Building tech & enabling growth for the Nordics leading electronics retailer
Elkjöp, also known as Elgiganten/Giganti, is the largest consumer electronics retailer in the Nordic countries, with over 425 stores and a yearly turnover of over 4 billion euros.
Elkjöp engaged Crowd Collective to enhance its in-house software development capabilities. Over several years our collaboration, spanning the Nordics, focused on fostering a strong development culture, including mentorship, team building, and efficiency improvements of the development teams and processes. Crowd Collective has taken complete ownership of the frontend development including both strategy and staffing, enabling significant digital growth for Elkjöp.
“When we understood that Crowd Collective consisted of not only smart and competent people but that they also had the skills to onboard and coach new colleagues, quickly up to speed, we spotted a great opportunity. Our collaboration has turned out even better than our high expectations. Our partnership is one of the main reasons that we have had reached such a high digital growth.”
Project highlights
- Highly improved in-house software development capabilities.
- Significantly improved and modernized tech stack supporting increased digital sales.
- Successfully recruited, onboarded and coached 20+ new team members in Sweden & Norway.

Elkjöp faced multiple challenges, both from a technical and organizal perspective. A small internal development team and an outdated tech stack did not support the big digital journey Elkjöp was aiming for. Soly depending on external resources was not an option as own control over the key digital business functions was a pirme objectory for them. To develop and expand Elkjöps own digital capacity as fast as possible was the mission and at Crowd Collective we where very happy to help.
Over several years, this Nordic collaboration focused on fostering a strong development culture, including mentorship, team building, and efficiency improvements of the development teams and processes. Crowd Collective has taken full responsibility for Frontend development, both from a technical and organizational/staffing perspective. Crowd Collective's consultants were instrumental in onboarding, coaching, and leading development, which allowed Elkjøp to expand its tech team with both junior and senior members. This ongoing partnership aims to balance the use of external consultants and internal recruitment, establishing frameworks to support ongoing growth and tackle future technical challenges.

We have significantly modernized the tech stack enabling the growth of digital sales and Elkjöps future digital journey. Three years into the partnership Crowd Collective holds ownership of all frontend development for the client and have established significant development capacity. We have coached over 20 junior talents, that after extensive coaching and daily work, together with senior consultants for 9-12 months, have been recruited by the client. Retention rate on the recruited talents is, still over 2 years since the first recruitments, 100%.